Oak Hill Terrace

A building across the street from Oak Hill Cottage is being transformed into a park overlooking the city.

Turning back time at Oak Hill Cottage is only possible up to a point, a point that ends where the front yard ends.

An urban environment surrounds us; an environment at Oak Hill that for the last 75 years has included a view-blocking building at 64 Surrey Road.

In 2011 the Historical Society purchased the building and its hillside lots overlooking the valley of Touby's Run.


An old block building overgrown with weeds.

Vacant Warehouse in 2010 across from Oak Hill Cottage

Vacant Warehouse in 2010 across from Oak Hill Cottage


A block warehouse building with cars parked.

View from the veranda of Oak Hill Cottage today

View from the veranda of Oak Hill Cottage today

The Future

The plans are on the drawing board and the project is under way!

Phase I: Partial Demolition and Masonry

Phase II: Multi-layer, insulated roof on the concrete slab

Phase III: A 2 x 2 ft. tile paver system to create a level plaza

Play the 30 sec. video and see our vision.

Oak Hill Terrace

Oak Hill Cottage

310 Springmill St., Mansfield, OH 44903
